Code of Ethics
The purpose of the DCE Ethical Guidelines is to provide a guide for behavior while serving in ministry as a shared set of values that are rooted in the Bible and the Lutheran Confession for those who serve as DCEs in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. These guidelines are intended to utilized as DCEs plan, administer, and assesses ministry that nurtures and equips people as the Body of Christ for spiritual maturity, service, and witness in home, job, congregation, community, and the world. What is included below is an overview of these guidelines. The full guidelines are available to all current NADCE members on our website.
As Directors of Christian Education we commit to:
⦁ Express our commitment to Scripture and The Lutheran Confessions.
⦁ Reflect the understanding that every DCE, in common with all of humanity, suffers under original sin, receiving redemption, finding meaning and purpose at the foot of the Cross.
⦁ Proceed from an understanding of the third function of the Law (Epitome, Formula of Concord, VI) as a curb to sin.
⦁ Demonstrate the second use of the Law (Epitome, Formula of Concord, VI) confronting DCEs with their sinfulness and need for grace.
⦁ Foster the opportunity for Confession and Absolution leading to reconciliation and forgiveness.
⦁ Reinforce the definition, mission, and values identified as essential by the 1999 National DCE Leadership Summit including exhibit Christian character, nurture a personally maturing faith in Christ grounded in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions, and relate well with people of all ages. Also, they express a passion for teaching and learning, manifest a servant heart, balance personal and professional life effectively, model a team orientation, strive for excellence, lead to equip leaders, and perform in a self-directed manner.
⦁ Recognize that ethical dilemmas are part of functioning as a professional and that every professional practitioner must make judgments with regard to propriety. Ethical dilemmas in the Christian walk are approached through prayer and a discernment of Law and Gospel within the Scriptures. “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16–17 NRSV).
⦁ Highlight that ethical situations in the ministry of the Director of Christian Education arise frequently and impact life within the Body of Christ and impact approaches to outreach.
⦁ Cover any activity that directly or indirectly relates to professional identity or training.
⦁ Promote general principles of behavioral goals that are intended to serve as an expression of the core values necessary for functioning as a servant leader in public ministry.
⦁ Promote behavioral goals to which the individual DCE, as well as the profession, can encourage one another with Christian love.
Members of NADCE can view the complete Ethical Guidelines, by clicking on the link to the right. |