Please pray for the current and incoming board of director members as they are slated to gather face to face in late Summer!
The Nominations Team will present the ballot one week before elections to the NADCE membership. Electronic voting will be open to members April 5-11, 2024. Results will be announced in the subsequent NADCE quarterly, on the NADCE website, and via email and social media. If you have questions, contact me at
Qualifications for Officers: Officers must be rostered DCE’s with a minimum of ten (10) years in rostered ministry experience in the LCMS.
Qualification for Members-At-Large: Members-at-large can be rostered DCEs and/or LCMS individuals with experience in Christian education, business, law, accounting, public relations, financial services, or development. Directors must have at least four (4) years of ministry-related experience.
Nominees must agree to have their name submitted by the person nominating the individual and self-nominations are accepted.
Thanks for your participation in our community!
Maria Devenport
NADCE Board of Directors, Chair-Elect
The National Association of Directors of Christian Education is a
Registered Service Organization (RSO) of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) and 501(c)3 non-profit organization.