DCEs are connectors, but we also need to be connected! Join us for a monthly prayer, connection, and resource time virtually at Emmaus Table! This hour long virtual meet up is facilitated by our Board of Directors and we often have a special guest, a timely topic, and/or a focused resource sharing. It's like your cluster group, if you could meet them in your living room!
Please join us for a time with God and one another that is so vital to our well being and our ministry!
The Meeting Tent is an online gathering which takes place on a quarterly basis and directly connects to the topic of our NADCE Quarterly publication! Join us for the opportunity to ask questions and dive deeper into conversation on relevant Christian Education topics that help you grow as a professional! Look for opportunities to submit questions on the quarterly topic via our Facebook group. The Zoom link is sent to members the day before the event, which is typically the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 2:00 pm Central. These conversations are not be recorded, as the majority of time is often spent in small breakout rooms.
The National Association of Directors of Christian Education is a
Registered Service Organization (RSO) of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) and 501(c)3 non-profit organization.