DCE Certification Directory
Over the past 56 years 2370 men and women have been certified to serve as Directors of Christian Education (DCEs) within The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) by the faculties of the Concordia Universities located in Austin, Irvine, Portland, River Forest, St. Paul and Seward. This Directory includes the names of each of these individuals.
It is our privilege and joy as the professional organization of LCMS Directors of Christian Education to provide our members, and other interested individuals, with this instructive resource. We remain very grateful for the LCMS’ five DCE training programs and their directors, and seek to support them in their recruitment, training, and placement efforts.
This directory is accurate as of March 1, 2023. If you have a change in your call or status, or know of someone whose information should be updated, please click this linked text to provide additions and revisions to our current database. When submitting updates, we ask for your email address in case we have follow up questions, clarification about the submission. Thank you!
Note: You can navigate to any section of this directory, by clicking on the titles in the Table of Contents on page 2 of this PDF.